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Yong Jin

Name:Yong Jin

Title: Professor

Department and Major:

Department of Biomass and Leather Engineering,

National Engineering Laboratory for CleanTechnology of Leather Manufacture,


Polymer Chemistry & Leather Chemicals

Laboratory or Office:

Leather Building 408,

24, South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Chengdu,Sichuan,610065, P. R.China

Telephone number:+86-13658027079

Research Field:

1. Polymer Chemistry;

2. Leather Chemicals;

Recent Publications:

1. Hanping Li, Yong Jin,* Baozhu Fan, Shuangquan Lai, Xiaopeng Sun, Rui Qi. Aqueous Self-Assembly of Y-ShapedAmphiphilic Block Copolymers intoGiant Vesicles. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 2017:DOI:10.1002/marc.201600646

2. Hanping Li, Yong Jin,* Baozhu Fan, Rui Qi, Xinfeng Cheng. Synthesis and Application of a New Phosphate Ester Based on Nonionic Amphiphilic Polyurethane as Leather Fatliquoring Agent.JournaloftheAmericanLeatherChemists Association,2016,111:427-434

3. Xinfeng Cheng , Yong Jin *, Rui Qi , Wuhou Fan, Hanping Li ,Xiaopeng Sun, Shuangquan Lai. Dual pH and oxidation-responsive nanogels crosslinked by diselenidebonds for controlled drug delivery. Polymer, 2016, 101:370-378

4. Rui Qi , Yong Jin , * Xinfeng Cheng , Hanping Li , Shuangquan Lai , Xiaopeng Sun, Water-Induced Transitions from EllipsoidalMicelles to Chain-Like NanostructuresSelf-Assembled by the Coil-Rod-Coil BlockCopolymer Based on Hydrogen-BondingUrea Groups. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 217:1851-1859

5. Rui Qi, Yong Jin,* pH- and concentration-controlled self-assembly of spherical micelles with cavity, necklaces and cylindrical micelles. RSC Advances . 2016,6:47174-47177

6. Xinfeng Cheng, Yong Jin*, Baozhu Fan, Rui Qi, Hanping Li, Wuhou Fan. Self-assembly of Polyurethane Phosphate Ester with Phospholipid-like Structures: Spherical, Worm-like micelles, Vesicles and Large Compound Vesicles. ACS Macro Letters , 2016, 5:238-243

7. Xinfeng Cheng,Yong Jin*, Tongbing Sun, Rui Qi, Baozhu Fan, Hanping Li. An injectable, dual pH and oxidation-responsive supramolecular hydrogel for controlled dual drug delivery. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2016,141:44-52


Main campus address:

Wangjiang campus: section of Chengdu No. 24 Southern Yihuan Code: 610065 | 29 Jiuyanqiao WangjiangRoad,
Chengdu Zip: 610064
Huaxi Campus: Chengdu, People’s SouthRoad was on the 17th Zip: 610041
Jiang’an Campus: Shuangliu County, Chengdu, Sichuan road Zip: 610207