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Wu Zheng-Yun

Name: Wu Zheng-Yun

Title: Associate Professor

Department and Major: Food Engineering

Laboratory or Office: Room 224 No.4 Teaching Building

Telephone number: +86-13982037130


Research Field: Food microbiology, Fermentation

Recent Publications:

1. Zhu DW,Wu ZY,Luo AM,Gao H. Characterization and detection of toxoflavin-producing Burkholderia in rice straws and Daqu for Chinese Maotai-flavour liquor brewing[J]. J. Inst. Brew. 2015; 121: 290–294

2.Wu ZY, Yang J, Liu YH, Wang YZ, Zhang WX, Deng Y. Optimizing Semi-Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation for Ethanol Production from Chinese Distiller’s Spent Grains[J]. American Society of brewing Chemists, 2015, 73 (2):190-194

3.Wu ZY, Lei XJ, Zhu DW, Luo AM. Investigating the Variation of Volatile Compound Composition in Maotai-Flavoured Liquor During Its Multiple Fermentation Steps Using Statistical Methods[J]. Food Technol. Biotechnol, 2016, 54 (2) :243-249.

4. Lei XJ,Wu ZY, Cui CY, Yang J, Zhang WX. Increasing Protease Activities and Antioxidant Properties of Koji for Soy Sauce Brewing by Adding a Medicinal Herb Rhodiola rosea[J]. Int. J. Food Eng. 2016; 12(3): 247–256

5. Liao, M ;Wu, ZY*; Yu, GH ; Zhang, WX. Improving the quality of Sichuan pickle by adding a traditional Chinese medicinal herb Lycium barbarum in its fermentation[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2017, 52(4): 936-943.

6. Zhang WX, Zhong FD,Wu ZY. Mico-ecology for Chinese liquor production [M]. Sichuan University Press, Chengdu, 2015.

7. Li JM,Wu ZY, Zhang WX. Solid Fermentation [M]. Sichuan University Press, Chengdu, 2017.

Honors & Awards:

1. Zhang WX,Wu ZYet al., Research and application of food fermentation technologies based on functional medicinal koji.First prize of science and technology progress awarded by Sichuan Food Science & Technology Association, 2016

2. Wu ZY, Zhang WX.Course development and teaching practice of practical training module in wine making. Third prize forteaching achievement awarded by Sichuan University,2016


Main campus address:

Wangjiang campus: section of Chengdu No. 24 Southern Yihuan Code: 610065 | 29 Jiuyanqiao WangjiangRoad,
Chengdu Zip: 610064
Huaxi Campus: Chengdu, People’s SouthRoad was on the 17th Zip: 610041
Jiang’an Campus: Shuangliu County, Chengdu, Sichuan road Zip: 610207