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Chongde Wu

Name:Chongde Wu

Title: Associate Professor

Department and Major: Fermentation Engineering

Laboratory or Office: 218, Leather Building

Telephone number: 15002881425


Research Field: Microbial physiology and biosystems biotechnology, Brewing biotechnology for traditional fermented food

Recent Publications:

1.WuChongde, Huang Jun and Zhou Rongqing. Genomics of lactic acid bacteria: current status and potential applications [J], Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 2017: 43:393-404.

2. He Guiqiang, Deng Jingcheng,Wu Chongde*, and Huang Jun. A partial proteome reference map ofTetragenococcus halophilusand comparative proteomic and physiological analysis under salt stress. RSC Advance, 2017,7:12753-12763.

3. HeGuiqiang,Wu Chongde*, Huang Jun, and Zhou Rongqing. Acid tolerance response ofTetragenococcus halophilus: a combined physiological and proteomic analysis. Process Biochemistry.2016, 51:213-219.

4.WuChongde, Huang Jun, and Zhou Rongqing.Progress in engineering acid stress resistance of lactic acid bacteria. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014,98:1055-1063.

5.Wu Chongde, Zhang Juan, Du Guochengand Chen Jian. Heterologous expression ofLactobacillus caseiRecO improved the multiple-stress tolerance and lactic acid production inLactococcuslactisNZ9000 during salt stress. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 143:238-241.


Main campus address:

Wangjiang campus: section of Chengdu No. 24 Southern Yihuan Code: 610065 | 29 Jiuyanqiao WangjiangRoad,
Chengdu Zip: 610064
Huaxi Campus: Chengdu, People’s SouthRoad was on the 17th Zip: 610041
Jiang’an Campus: Shuangliu County, Chengdu, Sichuan road Zip: 610207